Client Story Town of Bassendean | OBAMS

Helping a city engage with its community

Perth is OK!
LocationPerth, Australia
SizeMedium Enterprise
Public sector

About Ryde

The RYDE Program allows young people to complete their 50 hours of supervised driving experience with one of our volunteer ‘Driving Mentors.’ The RYDE Program was developed by the Town of Bassendean in response to the Western Australian Government’s change from 25 to 50 supervised driving hours in November 2012.

Building a Software Solution

The Town of Bassendean began the development of a youth driver education model that had been previously managed in other Australian states through a heavy reliance on full-time staff. We partnered with the Town of Bassendean and Bassendean Youth Services to write and deliver an application that reduced the need for more than 2 staff to run the program in Western Australia. This reduced overhead and drove automation and immediate feedback for the youth using the application and making the bookings.
The online software allows multiple program partners who possess expertise in particular areas of operation to share the burden of delivering a complex program. The software coordinates their activities and attempts to provide automated treatments for many possible contingencies.

Features delivered to date :

- Client Management
- SMS Integration
- Marketing and News Broadcasts
- Vehicles and Bookings
- Payment integration
- Audit Logging and Program Statistics
- Page and branding customisation
- Multi-tenanted SaaS management solution
- The ability for users to have multiple ‘hats’ / profiles within the software
- Support for external agencies and users
- Phased learning model for tracking driver education
- The ability for mentors to record case notes on their clients and raise alerts where there are concerns
- Accident reporting